Divine Love - Hieros Gamos
We have entered a very important threshold in our spiritual ascension journey where the importance of divine partnerships, sacred relationships & Hiero-Gamic union become a direct portal to Christ Consciousness and our highest spiritual embodiment of ascension. These divine connections are a sacred healing vessel and stargate for our own personal inner Hiero Gamic union as well as an powerful energetic conduit for the healing of earth/tara/gaia and our entire species.

Ajna Love & Saha RA' were reunited 15 years ago through an incredibly potent synchronistic and divine encounter that immediately became the vertex/twist of fate that reignited their cellular memory and opened the gateway to their simultaneous spiritual awakening, personal solar flash activation and current mission as spiritual stewards, ascension guides and leaders of love walking side-by-side in divine union.
Ajna & Saha have a love story that has graced many timelines. On the day they reunited their were 3 people who shared the exact same birthday which was Ajna's birthday, and they were all standing in a trinity. There was an instantaneous knowing that something divine was occurring and an immediate remembrance and familiarity the moment they locked eyes, it was as if a personal solar flash had occured that immediately activated & ascended their consciousness to a higher octave. In the months and years ahead Ajna & Saha experienced one synchronicity after another, telepathy, past life remembrance recall, outer-body experiences and a love so magical, magnificent and intense that it immediately activated their DNA and expanded their hearts to levels they only dreamed of. This sacred encounter didn't come without its trials and tribulations.
Their sacred love became a purifier and began to pull up anything that was not a match to the highest frequency and vibration of their highest spiritual mission here on earth. For years the beloveds worked tirelessly in full dedication and devotion on their healing, shadow work, self-mastery and together dove into deep esoteric studies & ascension teachings, relearning the sacred Emerald Founder Dragon Teachings for 13 devoted years and ultimately was shown their sacred mission as Indigo Starseed divine union partners who have incarnated during these times of our planetary ascension to assist in anchoring the lost keys, codes and jewels back into the planetary grids and walk the path in unison as spiritual stewards, Guardians, Gridworkers and Wisdom Keepers, assisting those who are ready for spiritual ascension on their journey and path back home. Ajna & Saha and have lived lifetimes in the past 15 years and their combined experience, wisdom and embodiment is an asset to anyone who feels a resonance to their frequency and offerings.